Jacob M. Bechtold
341 Prairewood Circle S #301
Fargo, ND   58103


Frequency allocation status for K0RQ

One repeater frequency is (or has been) associated with K0RQ.

K0RQ is associated with one functional repeater.

That repeater uses the 448.4/443.4 frequency-pair on the 70cm band and has these characteristics:

Availability - This is an open amateur radio repeater.

Location - In or near Fargo in the southeast region of North Dakota.
    Longitude: -96.4921
    Longitude: 46.5202

Access - This is a carrier-access repeater.

Digital Voice capability:

This repeater is capable of Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) using the European ETSI standard. This repeater's Color Code is: CC1.

This repeater is capable of ICOM D-STAR using Advanced Multi-band Excitation (AMBE). However it is only used for digital voice (not data).

This repeater can be used for YAESU using Continuous 4 level FM (C4FM) but not analog FM. This repeater's Digital Squelch Code is: 20.

DTMF Features

DTMF-invoked Networks

This repeater has no DTMF-invoked network capability.

Automatic Links

This repeater has no automatically-invoked links.

In an Emergency

This repeater has an emergency power system that uses natural gas.

This repeater is associated with ARES.

Other features

This is not a bi-lingual repeater.

This is not an experimental repeater.
